Who Are We?
We make high strength organic waste management commercially viable and environmentally sound. We secure renewable energy supply, remove cost, lower emissions and return valuable nutrients to the primary sector growers.
We assure this by making sure we:
- Use proven technology – avoids the mystery of custom built solutions
- Design for optimal economic size – bigger is not better
- Are accountable for the supply chain – we can own, operate, manage, report, comply
- Deliver an affordable, workable solution meeting the needs of industry and regulators
- Can scale from single factory to urban waste management
Our History
Bioceta Ltd. is a clean-tech company specialising in the areas of anaerobic digestion (AD), industrial wastewater treatment and bioenergy.
Bioceta’s strategic focus is the design, build and operation of closed-loop anaerobic digestion waste treatment and recycling systems (including biogas energy use) using core technology sourced from Lipp GmbH in Germany.
Bioceta’s solution can address several immediate environmental issues by creating a utility, or customer-owned, plant for high-strength organic waste management and harvesting valuable nutrients from that waste. We can provide capacity expansion for existing wastewater treatment plants and generate consistent green energy in the form of process heat or steam from injection to boilers, conversion to electricity or conversion to vehicle fuel. An additional benefit is a substantial offset of greenhouse gases by reducing landfill and wastewater irrigation volumes that assists in meeting a significant strategic and contractual challenge for many industry sectors.
Meet the Team

Hayden Dillon
Executive Chair
B Com (Ag) GradDip APP Fin (treasury) FINSIA
T (+64) 29 9145190
Hayden is an experienced advisor with over 20 years’ working in financial risk management, balance sheet structuring and capital raising, with a strong specialisation in agribusiness. Hayden works with corporate clients to help them grow through access to capital and implementing growth strategies.
Hayden opened the Findex Hamilton office in January 2013, in addition to leading the Waikato region as Managing Principal. Hayden heads up the Findex Agribusiness team in all of NZ. His networks across the rural and agribusiness sectors are immense.
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Dr Andrew West
BSc(1st Class); PhD; Dip. Bus Admin
Andrew is a scientist with a background in microbial ecology, with great experience in commercialising high-technologies in the cleantech, agritech and biotech sectors.
He has strong networks in the agricultural and horticultural industries, and within these Māori agri and hort businesses. He is directly involved with game-changing water extraction, specialist filtration and molecular purification high-technology commercialisation.
He also co-manages a fast growth pre-seed/ seed stage scientific investment fund that he co-founded.
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Stephan Heubeck
Stephan is an Environmental Engineer based in the Waikato. He has an Agricultural Science degree from the University of Applied Science Weihenstephan in Germany as well as a Masters in Environmental Engineering from Massey University / Palmerston North.
Stephan has been involved with the design, installation, operation, optimisation and research around biogas and anaerobic digestion (AD) systems in Germany, New Zealand and Australia for over 20 years. This work has involved several types of high-tech and low-tech AD systems, diverse substrates ranging from manures and agro-industrial by-products to energy crops as well as all auxiliary processes surrounding AD – from substrate logistics, to biogas purification, and from digestate nutrient recycling to maximising the Greenhouse Gas benefits of AD installations. Beyond a range of scientific publications, Stephan has over the years contributed and co-authored numerous guidelines and industry documents for the AD sector, including: the APL code of practice for on-farm biogas production and use, NZ MfE GHG Inventory methods, Australian Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) methodology (2013) for the destruction of agricultural methane and the BANZ TG08 guideline on the production and use as biofertilizer of digestate derived from source segregated organic waste.
Stephan is a member of the Bioenergy Association of NZ (BANZ), the BANZ Biogas Interest Group (BIG), and the Sustainable Energy Forum (SEF) Inc. His overarching goal is to establish anaerobic digestion and biogas technology as a key pillar of New Zealand’s organic waste, agriculture and renewable energy sector, helping to reduced fossil fuel use and GHG emissions as well as aiding the agricultural sector with long-term sustainable solutions.
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Geoff Young
Geoff has been in the Industrial Water and Waste Business for more than 30 years. For over 20 of those years Geoff has been operating BPO, a company that works with industrial waste measurement, management and treatment.
Geoff’s speciality has been dairy factories where he has worked on over 50 processing sites in five countries. The team at BPO has successfully built and commissioned both anaerobic and aerobic waste treatment plants in Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, South Africa and Ireland. Bioceta’s relationship with BPO provides Bioceta with access to specialist laboratory facilities as well as lab and pilot scale testing capabilities.
Geoff is a life member of the New Zealand Trade and Industrial Waters Forum for which he was President for seven years and continues to retain a seat on the Board of Directors for that organisation. Geoff’s role in Bioceta is as our Market Development and Technical Advisor, not to mention providing meeting facilities, coffee and red wine!
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