Solution Features
Bioceta solutions include the following features which are all ideal solutions for organic waste management:
- Full recycling – all waste being reused
- Zero discharge, especially no odour
- Flexibility to process multiple sources of high strength organic wastes
- Scalable (up and down) to minimise logistics
- Inbuilt storage capacity (buffer)
- Energy efficient
- Robustness and simplicity
The well documented benefits of choosing anaerobic digestion for organic waste management include:
- Captures and makes use of many of the harmful greenhouse gas emissions from organic waste
- Reduces odour
- Produces renewable energy
- Produces an organic fertiliser as well as a valuable soil conditioner full of organic carbon that improves the capacity of soils to retain water
- Diverts organic waste from landfills

Solutions Today
Our anaerobic digestion treatment process is addressing both environmental and commercial challenges by:
- Providing better and cheaper disposal options for wastes that are currently carted long distances to disposal sites, including treatment sites
- Offering a low or no-capital option for either a single customer site or a hub for multiple customers
- Generating renewable energy (RNG or Renewal Natural Gas) which can be used on site for self-sufficiency or contingency energy supply
- Providing capacity expansion for existing plants, especially where space is a limitation
- Underpinning compliance by design for shrinking discharge limits
- Removing risk – consents, compliance, cost and customer care through operational control all able to be provided
Future Solutions
Anaerobic digestion plants can assist community industry clusters with provision of:
- Community or district heating schemes
- Cooling through absorption chilling
- Plant nutrients from organic material (phosphates, organic carbon to build humus)
- Base material through refining for functional foods, lifestyle products and nutraceuticals
- Bio fuel and hydrogen production
- Regeneration of contaminated land